The conference of the Partnership for the Green Economy of Slovenia entitled: Potentials of the circular economy in the North Primorska region was organized as part of the regional visit of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia to the North Primorska region.
- Programm of Consultation (184 KB)
The transition to a green economy represents an opportunity for the development of new green technologies and services, the creation of green jobs, more efficient management of natural resources, the promotion and development of Slovenian knowledge. It is an opportunity to grow and strengthen the international competitiveness of the economy while reducing environmental risks that negatively affect the quality of life and well-being of people. It is crucial to develop circular models of the economy, which, however, require an integrated and integrated approach, with the key being the participation of all relevant stakeholders. We already have many examples of good practice in Slovenia, from which we also want to learn. The great potential for more efficient operation and achievement of the set goals of the transition to a green economy is therefore in strengthening the cooperation of all stakeholders in our company to develop innovative solutions.
More information on the transition to a green economy with exposed development potentials for a green, smart and efficient economy is available at .
Presentation of current government measures
At the conference, government representatives presented the Framework Program for the Transition to the Green Economy and concrete measures to support stakeholders in introducing good practices of the green economy.
- Aleš Canttaruti, State Secretary, Presentation of Measures by the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology (740 KB)
- Tanja Strniša, State Secretary, Presentation of Measures of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food (563 KB)
- Tanja Bolte, interdepartmental working group for the circular economy, presentation of measures of the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning (1016 KB)
- Klemen Potisek, State Secretary, presentation of the measures of the Ministry of Infrastructure
- Darja Bavdaž Kuret, State Secretary, presentation of the measures of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs
- Jurij Snoj, acting Director General of the Directorate for the Labor Market and Employment – presentation of measures of the Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Affairs (881 KB)
- Marko Drofenik, Director General of the Directorate for Regional Development, Ministry of Economic Development and Technology
Presentation of good practices
Re.Do reusable brand – unique Slovenian products with a recycling signature
The driving force behind the Re.Do collective is Petra Doljak and Urša Skumavc. Both from different fields combine their knowledge and passion in a team that not only creates beautiful and useful fashion accessories, but also with their help expands the imagination and at the same time makes us aware of the importance and growing need for reuse today. Thus, the girls organize workshops where we can learn to reuse objects that we no longer use. Each part is made entirely by hand, from 100% reusable materials. They provide green marketing services for companies by turning their waste into business gifts or promotional tools. Within the Institute I (us), they research, develop and connect creative individuals, craftsmanship, experience and, in cooperation with companies, organizations and customers, create unique lines of sustainable, environmentally and consumer-friendly products.
InnoRenew project
It is about establishing a center of excellence under the leadership of the University of Primorska in the field of renewable materials and research into a healthy living environment and sustainable construction. The European Commission has supported the InnoRenew CoE Center of Excellence partnership project of the University of Primorska with the full name Renewable materials and healthy environments research and innovation center of excellence (InnoRenew CoE). The project involves 9 partners who will combine their diverse knowledge and skills and strive to develop new, smart, sustainable and modern living environments suitable for all generations: University of Primorska (coordinator); Frauhofer Institute for Wood Research Wilhelm-Klauditz-Institut (WKI) from Germany (excellent partner); University of Maribor; Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia; Civil Engineering Institute of Slovenia; Pulp and Paper Institute; EuroCloud Slovenia Institute; National Institute of Public Health and Regional Development Agency of the Ljubljana Urban Region. The project leader is doc. dr. Andreja Kutnar, Head of the Department of Technology at the Andrej Marušič Institute and higher education teacher and researcher at UP FAMNIT.
AquafilSLO d.o.o.
AquafilSLO d.o.o. processes fishing nets from around the world. The company’s business unit is in Ajdovščina. Edi Kraus, General Manager of AquafilSLO, participated in the conference Potentials of the Circular Economy in the North Primorska Region. He briefly presented the ECONYL® regeneration system as one of the best business practices of companies based in Slovenia. He described the operation of the system and the circumstances that contributed to the implementation of the new economic model. He stressed that the main lever was customer demand for more environmentally sustainable products. He mentioned, however, that the grants received by the then Julon in 2010 from the state of Slovenia were decisive in choosing the location for the construction of the new ECONYL® plant.
Wine Cellar Brda
Klet Brda is the largest producer and exporter of Slovenian wines, which conquers wine lovers at home and abroad in as many as 26 countries with its recognizable style. The cellar brings together 400 Brda wine-growing families who have been co-creating the success story of Brda winemaking for more than half a century. Their mission is to express the uniqueness of the territory of Goriška Brda in wine and to contribute to the development of the area and the well-being of the local people through successful marketing. The main guideline in daily work is a deep respect for nature and its cycles, as quality is born in the vineyard.
Hidria AET
It is a company that received the Environmentally Friendly Company award at the 2015 Environmental Meeting (organized by the Finance Officer). Rudi Kragelj, General Manager of Hidria AET, is pr
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