The foundations of a long-term rural development strategy in Slovenia are:

  • ensuring self-sufficiency in food,
  • protection of natural resources and biodiversity,
  • providing and creating jobs in agriculture, food and forestry.

The basic strategic direction in the field of agriculture, food and forestry is sustainable development, which includes economic development, social development and environmental protection. Strict adherence to the principles of sustainable development in the field of food production and rural development contributes to:

  • protection of agricultural land against permanent change of use,
  • reducing greenhouse gas emissions,
  • conservation of biodiversity and typical cultural landscape,
  • economical management of water resources,
  • taking into account the social aspects, spatial development and
  • preservation of villages, hamlets and individual farms that make up the desired vital countryside.

The potential for green development in the food, integrated rural and forestry sectors is in the creation of local sustainable supply and short chains, which in addition to increasing local self-sufficiency and maintaining or increasing green jobs also have effects on sustainable agricultural land use and strong positive environmental effects through the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

Climate change, environmental care and innovation are an integral element of all measures of the Rural Development Program 2014-2020. All agricultural policy measures (eg sustainable and efficient use of natural resources, adequate agricultural use) contribute to the implementation of a multifunctional model of agricultural development, which strives for greater economic and environmental efficiency.

Measures to conserve biodiversity are included in the Rural Development Program 2014-2020. The measure Agri-environment-climate payments 2015-2020 is intended to maintain and promote above-standard agricultural practices, which represent higher requirements than normal agricultural practices. The support is thus intended for those agricultural holdings which, in the management of agricultural land, contribute to the preservation of biodiversity and the landscape, the protection of water resources, and, by adapting farming, to the mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

The measure of organic farming is intended for the implementation of farming, which enables the protection and improvement of the environment, landscape elements, natural resources and biodiversity, and adaptation to climate change.

The measure of payment to areas with natural or other constraints is intended to maintain and continue to carry out agricultural activity in mountain areas and in areas that are not mountainous but have significant natural constraints. Support for agricultural holdings with natural constraints tends to

  • landscape maintenance by promoting land management despite difficult farming conditions (protection of soil from erosion and conservation of biodiversity)
  • maintaining the cultural landscape as a tourist potential and a space for recreation.


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