Investments in research, development and innovation are necessary for the long-term development of the country and the economy. Innovation, both technological and non-technological, is a key driver of economic development and growth. From the point of view of green growth or the transition to a low-carbon economy, innovations in the direction of sustainable development, by reducing the impact on the environment or to a more efficient and responsible use of resources – eco-innovation – are especially important.

Slovenia also invests in research, development and innovation within the framework of European cohesion policy funds. In the EU Financial Perspective 2014-2020, funds are directed to the priority areas of the Smart Specialization Strategy, among which the green economy has an important place, as the strategy strategically directs investments in sustainable technologies and services for a healthy life.

Smart specialization strategies


    • Smart cities and communities with IT platforms and energy conversion, distribution and management: increase value added per employee by 15%.
    • Smart buildings and a home with a wooden chain with advanced living units, building management systems, smart devices and building materials and elements: an increase in value added and exports of companies in the value chain by 25%.

    • Networks for the transition to a circular economy with biomass processing, the development of new biological materials, technologies for the use of secondary raw materials and the extraction of energy from alternative sources: raising the material efficiency index from 1.07 to 1.50.
    • Sustainable food production – Sustainable production and processing of food products into functional foods and technologies for sustainable crop and livestock production within at least three value chains that will provide a critical mass of consumption and will be supported by a long-term contractual partnership based on an economic initiative: increase of value added per employee of participating companies in value chains by 20%.
    • Sustainable tourism through technologically supported marketing and networking, investments to increase the quality of services, technological solutions for sustainable use of resources in accommodation facilities and the green scheme of Slovenian tourism: increase in value added from tourism by 15%, increase in inflows from travel exports by 4-6% per year and a 20% reduction in CO2 emissions from tourism by 2023.

Factories of the future with optimization and automation of production and production processes, including enabling technologies.
Health – Medicine with biopharmaceuticals, diagnostics and therapy in translation medicine, cancer treatment, resistant bacteria and medicines of natural origin and natural cosmetics: the goal by 2023 is to increase the exports of participating companies by over 30%, of which SMEs should increase exports of at least € 250 million. In addition to encouraging the creation of at least 20 new companies, the goal is to attract at least one other foreign direct investment in this area, which will employ more than 50 employees.

Mobility with niche components and systems for internal combustion engines, e-mobility and energy storage systems, safety and comfort systems and components and materials for the automotive industry: increase the added value of companies in partnership by 20% and increase the number of pre-development suppliers from 15 to 22 (45% increase).
Development of materials as end products for the processing of metals and alloys and smart multicomponent materials and coatings: raising the value added per employee in companies in the field of alloys and metals from EUR 45,000 to at least 55,000 by 2023; increase in exports and value added per employee in the field of smart coatings by 20%, increase in investment in development by 15%, value added by 5% and exports in the field of smart multi-component materials by 10%.

The smart specialization strategy has a comprehensive package of measures that will also have a positive impact on the development of the green economy. Based on the strategy, 750 million euros of development investments per year are planned. The measures relate to research, development and innovation, human resources development, entrepreneurship and rural development, and development country incentives (public procurement, tax relief, economic diplomacy and promotion, and licensing and removal of regulatory barriers).


Develop excellence and strengthen research and innovation infrastructure


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