Uncategorized Music is a dialogue beyond borderds December is among the months of celebration where music is circulating among and within our…Damir Žerak27 aprila, 2023
Uncategorized Zelena logistika Če želimo izkoristiti priložnosti prometa in obvladovati negativne vplive, ki jih prinaša prometna dejavnost (zaseda…Damir Žerak19 februarja, 2021
Uncategorized Green as Slovenia’s development potential The green economy is our long-term strategic direction and represents an opportunity for the development…Damir Žerak16 marca, 2019
Uncategorized Sustainable and efficient use of natural resources Sustainable and efficient use of natural resources is one of the key aspects of environmental…Damir Žerak20 februarja, 2019
Uncategorized Research, development and innovation for green economic growth Investments in research, development and innovation are necessary for the long-term development of the country…Damir Žerak12 januarja, 2019
Uncategorized Ukrepi v podporo zeleni rasti podjetij Vir: Mostphotos. Prehod v krožno gospodarstvo bo imel pozitivne učinke na poslovanje podjetij, in sicer…Damir Žerak20 decembra, 2018
Uncategorized New green jobs For Slovenia, increasing the employment rate of the population aged 20-64 to 75% is one…Damir Žerak18 novembra, 2018
Uncategorized Stimulating demand for green products and services From the point of view of the direct role of the state, two short-term measures…Damir Žerak14 oktobra, 2018
Uncategorized Green jobs and OH (Occupational Health) The "Occupational Health" (OH), frequently referred as "Occupational Health and Safety" (OHS) - a…Damir Žerak20 septembra, 2018
Uncategorized Sustainable urban development Cities are a driver of economic and social development, as well as a space for…Damir Žerak17 avgusta, 2018
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